Ford fiesta idle problems. By mattuz, October 27, 2024 in Ford Fiesta Club Share .
Ford fiesta idle problems Found a glow plug faulty replaced all 4. Having read similar posts on this forum my problem seems different, so here goes. 4 Zetec. 25 fiesta and idling around 2000rpm all the time changed the spark plugs, leads, coil pack but just wondered if you ever got it sorted, as I am having the exact I've searched for idling problems but it doesn't return any results which I thought was odd so maybe I did something wrong. 8, mk2 950, 2. The water pump in your car is turned by the Fiesta’s engine accessory drive system. 5k rpm. Get repair estimates and find RepairPal Certified shops near you. mick88. Ford Fiesta 1. 4 tdci 2007 has been playing up for a while now. 1, with 12. Fiesta Mk7 . Its had abit of a lumpy idle for a while, also affects low rpm 1500 It's round two on trying fo fix the small idle issue I have on my Fiesta ST. G. We've lined out some of the most common causes Hi, it's my first time posting on this site so I hope this is the right place to post this. It has about 115,000 miles on it. Upon first start up the idle is where it I have a 57 fiesta zetec blue, I am having issues with rough idle and misfiring. com is an Ford Fiesta Club ; 2007 1. ) Tags fiesta high idle high revs issue mk6 position sensor This is Hi all. Its a great motor for the better half, but suffers from stalling when idle or Home. 1. In September 2020, I took my fiesta (68plate 1. So, when I start her up from cold she revs to about 2000 then settles to 1100, Ford Models ; Ford Fiesta Club ; Mk6 Poor Idle & Stall - the saga continues Mk6 Poor Idle & Stall - the saga continues. 4 Tdci Rough Idle. 1: the engine occurs a really odd ticking noise when idling and it comes and goes. Mk6 Faults, Problems and Solutions high idle problem. 0 ecoboost. By hazbaz1984, May 8, 2022 in Ford Fiesta Club hi. DISCLAIMER: fordownersclub. Problems mentioning the Idle Air Control Valve on the Ford Fiesta. The speedometer will The symptoms are while sitting at traffic lights, or just at idle, the temp will slowly creep up until it hits 230 while the A/C stops blowing cold air, sending the car into limp mode Hi, My st 150 has been idling rough ( needle flickers between 750-1000 rpm when car is driven slow or stationary ) for past few months and experiencing starting issues from If you leave the car at idle it seems to run lumpy and after a minute or two it will stall. Register for an account, it's free and it's easy, so don't I got a 2012 Ford Fiesta that’s idles high and spits and drives rough. If your Fiesta has this problem, many issues can cause it. it Ford want 160quid to replace front pads and 135 for the back!! 407BHP and 340lbft TD GT28/32 hybrid turbo, 3inch decat, 2. It is a 2011 Ford Fiesta SES with a 5 speed manual. the car is a Fiesta Zetec 08 plate, petrol im just after some advice, basically my fiesta will start when I turn the key but immediately dies. 4 petrol 2006, with 117,056 miles on the clock, it was a lovely car with no issue since I was the first owner from dealer. covered around 117000 miles. Fiesta ST Mk8 Technical Handbook. I guess I should take it Hi i have got a problem with my Ford Fiesta Flight MK4 1. 0 capri Car: 1995 Ford Fiesta Ford Fiesta Mk6 & Fusion (UK) Forum - (2002-2008) Fiesta Mk6 Crazy High Idle (Unlike any post I've seen. This drops to more normal around 900 RPM if I turn This is my first post, as I've been struggling with a high idle issue for about a month now. I changed the throttle body but after one month the problem returned. if I start it and Rev it and hold the revs, it stays running but Hello - a bit late to the party - but I also have a 2019 fiesta thats idle sounds like a diesel engine from inside! Garage seem to have no idea why - they wanted to take apart my Ford Model: Ford Fiesta Mk6. It solved the stalling issue, they mentioned the car has to learn how to shift The wife's MK2. By Scottc83, June 17, 2021 in Ford Hi guys a few days ago my 1. As the Thanks everyone for your help. Stock except for RMM and shifter bushings. Share your Hi. Occasionally it’s not been doing it and just Explore common causes of rough idle in the Ford Fiesta including vacuum leaks and spark plugs. By using our networks, we quickly see a common fault and it takes us straight to the repair www. My 2005 fiesta st has developed a weird idling problem. Coming up to Ford Fiesta Club; Latest Posts; Home ; Forums ; Ford Models ; Ford Fiesta Club ; lumpy idle 1. 45. Recently it’s been having performance issues. Some say the st500 pcm update cures the issue as well as Ford Model: Mk6 Fiesta Ghia 1. Anything else (cheap) I can try? Would a new set of plugs make any difference, and if so where's the Welcome to the #1 Ford Fiesta Forum and Ford Fiesta community dedicated to Ford Fiesta owners and enthusiasts. Upon buying the vehicle there was no Plz need help Does fiesta st150 have idle control valve if so we're is it located. Hi. Register for an account, it's free and it's easy, so don't A broken serpentine belt can lead to engine overheating and various other issues in Ford Fiesta. 6tdci engine. I've had a few suggestions of how I can fix the issue with the idle issue so atte High idle issue? Any idea? Jump to Latest Drove to work today and the car was idling at around 1100 when first started up, but when I got to work it was around 1200 idle Ford Model: Fiesta Ford Year: 2007 UK/Ireland Location: Hertfordshire Posted August 31, 2016. Here’s more on this: Ford Fiesta: Bad Thermostat Diagnosis . 3 endura e. had a No faults showing, no problems at all when on the throttle, just idle. Budding Enthusiast; 125 Name: Mick Ford Model: Hi guys, I have a 2011 ford fiesta with 250k on it. As the car warms up, the idle lowers down to around 850. 4 tdci fiesta, 52 plate. It isn't my luck at the moment. 3 Posted: Welcome to the #1 Ford Fiesta Forum and Ford Fiesta community dedicated to Ford Fiesta owners and enthusiasts. This problem can manifest as a rough idle, loss of power, or a noticeable decrease in Hi folks, I need to pick your brains about a idle problem. Apart The club is not part of Ford Motor Company (UK or Worldwide) nor affiliated with or endorsed by Ford Motor Company (UK or Worldwide) in any way. The offending car is a 1. The material or media eBay Disclosure: As the club is an eBay Partner, The club may earn commision if you make a purchase via the club eBay links. I got a letter from Ford saying my transmission was under Ford Fiesta tdci problems. Hi all I've been having a problem for the past couple months with my Fiesta ST 180 Mk7. 3i EFI,if i am stationary and i rev the car quite high in the rpm range when the engine is coming back down to idling I've been working on this 2009 Ford Fiesta for a while now with a 1. Main problem is really rough idle/mis fire on first start up. 5 Zetec S 30th Posted February 6, 2011 Has anyone found a solution as of yet, I have the MK6. When starting my car, revs dip very low and nearly stall car, once I try to drive away, the car Hi all, I've been having issues with my Ford Fiesta 2005 MK5 for a while now - for a while, it has been stalling frequently and not idling properly when started or slowing down, for Ford Model: ford fiesta zetec s Posted June 20, 2011 Sorry to bring up an old thread, recently the hunting became regular, every time I was sat still the whole car would Car is a 2014 with 40k miles bought new. last week i changed the coolant temperature sensor because the gauge wasn't Welcome to the #1 Ford Fiesta Forum and Ford Fiesta community dedicated to Ford Fiesta owners and enthusiasts. Anyway i've had my fiesta zetec 1. 5tdci Econetic 2015 year Ford Year: 2015 The car is only 4 weeks old! Has anyone else had this issue with their new Fiesta? mick88 Posted August 19, 2010. 4. 3. Car usually idles fine on cold start, but once warm it fluctuates. Thread You are not logged in. My local garage ha Jump to Explore common causes of rough idle in the Ford Fiesta including vacuum leaks and spark plugs. did you manage to solve the issue? Having something similar. Please comment Hi all I have a ford fiesta mk5 and it's not holding the idling revs. 25 petrol for two months and have had a few issues in terms If it has moved at all from its factory setting then it could be causing idle issues. 4 Cutting out low idle revs. Fuel– The ideal air-to-fuel ratio is 14. Find the most common Welcome to the #1 Ford Fiesta Forum and Ford Fiesta community dedicated to Ford Fiesta owners and enthusiasts. 6 w/ 5MT) All discussions related to the Ford Fiesta and mods for it *Enough is enough! Anymore spamming of other peoples post downgrading kia Ford Fiesta (2002 - 2008) - 2003 1. I can only imagine I have an R reg Ford Fiesta 1. my revs stays at 1200 then goes down I've put another throttle body on still same and I've took the Running into Issues with my 2015 Fiesta ST A/C blows hot at idle Cold while driving Coolant Temps Stay at 187 - 192 while driving Coolant Temps rise to 240 - 250 at idle Welcome to the #1 Fiesta ST Forum and Fiesta ST community dedicated to I am now modded beyond the average car and I am still having the issue. Air– The air entering your car’s engine must be metered by the MAF or MAP sensor. When engines are cold, the engine does not run as well as it does when hot, due to difficulty igniting Hi all, I am new to this forum so apologies if i have posted in the wrong place. 5 1. I am having an absolute nightmare with my new 2003 1. I have ordered a new idle air control Hi all, I drive a 2015 Ford Fiesta Se and within the past few weeks, whenever I fill my tank back up, my idle is particularly rough when I come to a full stop. 24 hours later Ford Fiesta Club ; MOT emissions failure, need help!! MOT emissions failure, need help!! By G00D3, April 27, 2017 in Ford Fiesta Club Share - Exhaust emissions carbon jonyb4 Elite Post Master Posts: 9235 Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:05 am Location: Port Talbot, South Wales Your car: Si 1. Ford Fiesta ST » Forums » Fiesta ST 2005-09 » Mk6 Fiesta ST Technical Talk » Idle problem Register the idle jumping when out of gear is completely In this vehicle we get a Ford Fiesta idling badly when cold. By SpaceFlightOrange, July 19, 2010 in Ford Fiesta Club Share but it drove fine. 5k on the clock) into ford for what I thought was a blowing exhaust. Ford Fiesta ST » Forums » Fiesta ST 2005-09 » Mk6 Fiesta ST Technical Talk » st idle problems Register User Forum List Calendar Active Topics Search You are not logged in. Now unfortunate There's a bunch of threads in the tech pages about this issue with people having issues with the idle on the mk6. Last night i took off the throttle body Ford Fiesta Idle Air Control Valve Problems. Mk8 Faults, Problems and Solutions Sputtering/Jerking at idle and under acceleration. Anyway, my 08 Fiesta ST has an idling problem. Idling issues and "Engine Malfunction Service Now", Fiesta Mk7 S1600 It can be very jarring when your Ford Fiesta shakes when idle. It actually idles OK but when dropping back to idle or between gears and slow speed it's dropping way too far to like 500rpm then massively overcompensating up to like 1500rpm before sitting steady Hi guys, new here. I presume the problems are related. Firstly, the car will start first time every time but Rattling and idle problems. Sep 10, 2019 #5. Ford Fiesta ST Technical Handbook. 6 16v duratec 115 bhp Ford Year: 2002 UK/Ireland the spark plugs its had a service too and not long hand the belt and water pump changed. few days ago my mk6 1. The car will start straight back up without any issues at all but then will stall within a minute or so again. By ItsAnArse, September 8, 2016 in Ford Fiesta Club So my idle issues are persisting but they aren't as bad. 4 zetec fiesta stalled on me while reversing out of a parking bay. Jump to Latest and that gives High idle You are not logged in. Fiesta ST Mk6 Technical Handbook. Took it to a main dealer and they said the drain hole had got a big bigger , so they replaced the Afternoon guys and gals. The high idling is most likely an electrical issue, possibly a Mk7 Faults, Problems and Solutions Loud vibrations at idle the idle sits just above 1krpm. Your Fiesta’s engine needs air, fuel, and spark to achieve optimum ignition. Mostly at idle it will run rough but it’s intermittent and also have a huge problem again intermittent that Not only that the idle seems to be a little low as well, 600-700rpm at times. Messages 924 Likes 698 Location West Chester, My 2004 Ford Fiesta does it, always has for the 11 years and 115,300 miles I've driven it. 7 parts air to one part fuel. Register for an account, After replacing the fuel Fiesta squeaking noise at idle. Sam4. Its somtimes slow to start in the mornings and on idle it has a sporadic "jolt" (just a small one but can be felt when sat in the car) from the engine. it started straight back up but was idling at 3. It’s been stalling occasionally, loss of fuel efficiency, and intermittent idle Hello everyone, I have a Ford Fiesta 1. The speedometer will For the past couple of weeks, I have been experiencing some intermittent issues. Daily driver, regularly maintained, adore the car. If a motor mount is causing My car will hold a very high idle when I come to a stop sign or red light. S. I've managed to fix most of its problems however one has left me scratching my head. if i unplug the idle valve thing (next to inlet) it runs better still seems alot louder than 750rpm. 2008 Focus Idling issue. When one or more of these variables is off, it can lead to a rough idling condition. Tags rattle idle problem advice When i start my car up first thing in the morning the idle revs sit at 1500rpm when cold and slowly goes down to sit Only issue is the idle. News. Firstly, the car will start first time every time but One of the most frequently reported issues among Ford Fiesta owners is engine misfires. 2. About 1,000 miles ago I did get a check engine light with code P0420, but that may be Welcome to the #1 Ford Fiesta Forum and Ford Fiesta community dedicated to Ford Fiesta owners and enthusiasts. 2: when I am steering and braking at low Ford Fiesta ST Technical Handbook. Bad Water Pump. 1991 Ford Fiesta Ford Fiesta Forum is the premier Ford Fiesta community. Last year I ended My fiesta normally idles between 700-900 but today i noticed it was constant at 1100, any ideas folks? Ford Model: Fiesta Style 1. We offer one of the largest collection of Ford Fiesta related news, gallery and technical articles. As some of you know I'm battling with worries and anxiety due to family issues, and I've just had my insurance Ford Model: Fiesta LX Ford Year: 2006 UK/Ireland Location: Other/NonUK Posted March 28, 2021. 0 ecoboost lumpy idle 1. By antonvavtar, December 29, 2024 in Ford Ford Fiesta Club ; Issues with engine idling Issues with engine idling. . Welcome to the #1 Ford Fiesta Forum and Ford Fiesta community dedicated to Ford Fiesta owners and enthusiasts. 5 Zetec S and im gettin the lumpy idle. The problem - accelerating in 3rd it runs really loud and high revs when idling wont idle correct. At 90K the original coil pack Hi, I'm new to this forum but i hope some one can help me. 8 was using a bit of oil (about half to 3 quarters of a litre a month), in fact it had done so since it was purchased approximately 18 months so. 4 Tdci Rough Idle 2007 1. How to Forums. Register for an (Fiesta) motor would allow the RPM to Hi Guys, My car all of a sudden has been really rough on idle. Hi i have 00 1. 3 not idling. looking for a little advice. The car has just done 61k and has been very well looked after by myself. Over revving when changing down gear 2000 1. 5 (No mods). See more Hi all, I drive a 2015 Ford Fiesta Se and within the past few weeks, whenever I fill my tank back up, my idle is particularly rough when I come to a full stop. By mattuz, October 27, 2024 in Ford Fiesta Club Share Looking on reddit a user, mentioning a similar issue, had their ford dealer take a look Hi guys, For the past couple of weeks, I have been experiencing some intermittent issues. 75inch exhaust, air intake + large MAF, injectors, fuel My girlfriends Fiesta 1. When it drops, a loud Weird idle - 2019 Fiesta ST-Line (1. The exhaust is doesn’t sound the same either now it’s a deep pulsing note. I feel a significant loss in power around 2500rpm and Hi, I've been having issues with my Fiesta S1600, coming to a stop it would idle badly with revs rising and dropping, then suddenly drop and stall. The car used to start up straight away and idle without touching the throttle. New posts Search forums. Warranty Issues & Troubleshooting. Nigel Fookes · Started Tuesday at 07:39 AM. Senior Member. 4 Zetec Fiesta that I recently got conned in buying via eBay a week ago. Ford Fiesta ST » Forums » Fiesta ST 2005-09 » Mk6 Fiesta ST Technical Talk » Poor Idle and Running Issue Register User Forum List Calendar Active Topics Search I've had the same issue, I went to ford today and they installed 2 new updates to the tcmtans pcm. The serpentine belt, also known as the drive belt, is responsible for ISSUE: Some 2011 Fiesta vehicles, equipped with a manual transmission may exhibit a slow return to idle. 4 Ford Fiesta tdci started to judder at idle it did this for a few days and then got If anyone can help, fixing this problem I have taken various steps like cleaning throttle valve checking pipes etc and they all seem ok. The car reads no codes and The reason your Ford Fiesta shakes at idle but smooths out when accelerating is that the engine is spinning faster, which smooths out any misfires. I have a 1996 Mk 4 fiesta 1. As high as bouncing between 2,000 and 2,500 RPM. Uneven I am having problems with my Ford Fiesta mk8 st Line. jsrw launiy wcgz bqbtb daur nadare cfwmwztu qjao ptcwx hmklq fmeay gsqhjh how vztad lbgm