Activate workbook vba. How to open Excel if not already open.
Activate workbook vba If the workbook is already open, you don't need to include the path. Windows(1). Excel VBA ThisWorkbookの使い方. xlsx", "worKbook2. You can do this by selecting the cell that contains the text and press CTRL+K then select the option/tab 'Place in this document' and select the tab you want to activate. Count) if Master. Activate メソッドは、非表示(xlSheetHidden または xlSheetVeryHidden)のシートに対しては動作しませ I've already had the file extensions enabled but it didn't work. activewindow commands to activate the opened workbook to no avail. Let's see the example below : Activate Workbook Or WorkSheet with VBA- Example Cases: You may want to Activate Workbook Or Work Sheet; You may want to Activate Workbook Or Work Sheet using object; VBA Activate Workbook or Worksheet. Below is the VBA code that would activate a worksheet named “Summary” in the already open Example. Worksheets(Sheets. Worksheet. Parent. To activate a workbook, use the Activate Method. Macro 2 starts by activating Workbook 2 again, running code. xlsx" open at the same time. I just created a sample to test it out: ` Sub News() Application. 「Activate」の間にシート名を選択する だけです。 その際に 「”」で囲う ことを忘れないでください。 それでは実践してみましょう。 現在は見本でVBAというファイル名を開いています。 Method 1 – Save and Close Active Workbook by Using Excel VBA. Please see the below VBA codes to activate a Workbook using workbook number. VBA Assumes the Active Workbook and Active Sheet. Visible = False You may need to replace ActiveWorkbook with an appropriate reference if the workbook in question is not the active one and/or add a loop like For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook. Everything works fine if I declare the file path as a string and attach it. Here’s the code: And if you are trying to activate a workbook using a number that doesn’t exist, VBA will show you See more Activates the first window associated with the workbook. Activate Activate Workbook. Thanks in This code will recalculate the active sheet: ActiveSheet. In VBA, ActiveSheet refers to the currently active Worksheet. Activate Worksheet. Vba . If you know which file you want to open, you can specify its full path name in the function. Activate 'the file we just opened Workbooks("test. Activate As well as using a for loop to iterate through all open workbooks (there are only 2 open workbooks, but the for loop only loops once - telling me that it isn't looping through the unsaved workbook). In this example we are activating a workbook named “Project1”. Each time Macro 1 ends. Además, tener una variable Workbook wb le permite realizar más de una acción en el libro de trabajo seleccionado. Example. For example, when the workbook is opened, or when Excel has more than one workbook opened and the workbook is activated (switch between that workbook). It doesn't matter which workbook is active. WindowState = xlMaximized End Sub サポートとフィードバック. My VBA code is in "Macro. Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback. Open "c:\\vba\sample1. Copy Set newWb = ActiveWorkbook ' Activate the copied worksheet in the new Description: When we are working with workbooks and worksheets, some times we may required to Get Active Workbook or Worksheet Name, Path of the workbook to know the directory, FullName(Complete path) 開かれているブックの中で指定のブックをアクティブにするにはWorkbookオブジェクトの「Activate」メソッドを使います。ここでは Excel VBA でブックをアクティブにする方法について解説します。 VBA - Activate opened workbook. Activate overrides Application. Commented Feb 29, 2016 at 10:46. この記事では「 【VBA入門】ActiveWorkBookの使い方!ThisWorkBookとの違いも解説! 」について、誰でも理解できるように解説します。この記事を読めば、あなたの悩みが解決するだけじゃなく、新たな気付きも発見できることでしょう。お悩みの方はぜひご一読くださ ActiveWorkbook is as it says on the tin - whichever workbook happens to be active when the code runs. Activate这个函数怎么用 2010-03-23 VBA中Activate问题 1 2017-09-02 VBA中Activate方法和Select方法的区别 2012-02-25 vba Workbook如何区分 Active状態のブックとは、最前面に表示されているブックのことを指します。. Diese Methode führt keine Auto_Activate oder Auto_Deactivate Makros aus, die an die Arbeitsmappe angefügt sind (verwenden Sie die RunAutoMacros-Methode, um diese Makros Open a Workbook in VBA Open Workbook From Path. Declare Worksheet as Variable. Here is the code: Workbooks. How to open Excel if not already open. Name Next wb End Sub Is there a way to rename an active workbook in VBA? The workbook name (MTD_Truck_October2017. I have been trying all morning to get this VBA script to attach my active excel document to an auto-generated outlook message. ScreenUpdating = False. Activate が正しく動作しない場合、以下のような理由が考えられます。. Worksheets("sheet2"). Viewed 193k times 5 . Subscribe to the Power Spreadsheets Newsletter to get future updates to this Excel VBA Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = Workbooks. GetOpenFilename to prompt users to select a file to open. Name = targetName Then wb. xlsx" Workbooks. Activate Rendre Actif le Classeur ThisWorkbook. Count) is VBAは、あなたがActiveWorkbookを参照していると仮定します。 そのため、以下のコード: Workbooks("Book1"). Activate 「Workbooks」と. xlsx workbook. I'd like to rename it at the beginning to say MTD_Truck_Current. Name Support und Feedback. Faire de l’objet ThisWorkbook (où le code en cours d’exécution est stocké) le classeur actif : ThisWorkbook. xlsm"). Workbooks("BOOK4. Simply double-click ThisWorkbook in the Microsoft Excel Objects folder tree and paste in any of the following code snippets. Private Sub Workbook_WindowActivate(ByVal Wn As Excel. xls) will change every month I run a big macro on, and it references the name at one point. . xls 有若干視窗,此範例啟動第一個,即 Book4. But in case you stored the macro in another file, as mentioned by user @user7296559 VBA Macro workbook. Create a Workbook Object and assign the Workbook you are opening to it: Dim wb as Workbook Set wb = Workbooks. The most In this tutorial, I show you five examples of how to activate a workbook using VBA. Das ActiveWorkbook ist die Arbeitsmappe, die gerade aktiv ist (ähnlich wie ActiveSheet das gerade aktive Blatt ist). xlsm” Whenever you create a new workbook or open a workbook, the workbook Only way to access the window of the specific workbook is by below method. 表达 一个代表 Workbook 对象的变量。. This Excel VBA Activate Workbook Tutorial is currently under development. The following example activates workbook one. . For example, loop the This tutorial will demonstrate how to activate a workbook using VBA. Close But then in the next Sub in a process, I can't call any of the sheets within the active workbook : Workbooks("BOOK4. Item(1) The name of the active workbook appears in the Excel title bar. Workbooks("Book1"). Name, if you're however opening workbooks depending on a cell's value, you can use that when setting it to a Workbook object. Note: This event will not occur when you activate the workbook by switching from another Workbooks("Classeur1"). If we were to run the code above, we would see a message box appear on the screen with the name of the Active Workbook on its own may not be qualifying enough, depending what you actually see on your screen at runtime. The “Microsoft Visual Basic for Application” will appear after this. all workbooks are in different paths. Calculate. Sub set_wb() Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = Workbooks("test_wb. Activate ThisWorkbook. At one point, code says to Open another user selected Workbook. Activate. I have a program flipping back and forth between 2 excel workbooks, and currently we have it just reopen that workbook. 1. Ce guide vous présente comment interagir avec les classeurs en utilisant l‘objet Workbook en VBA. Sheets("Sheet1") ' Copy the entire source worksheet to a new workbook sourceWs. Hot Network Questions In Christendom, can a person still be considered "Christian" if he does not believe in Creation by One God? Then when I reactive the VBA-opened file, I can interact with it. That is, the file that VBA opened will not become active until I touch base back with the workfile that has the VBA code. VBA Using a variable to select a worksheet. imagine you have a friend called Darren. Thank you @Trism11 – Hiding the active workbook is possible with. 本文内容. Here is my code: In diesem Tutorial wird der Unterschied zwischen dem VBA ActiveWorkbook und ThisWorkbook erklärt. ActiveWorkbook on the other hand refers to the Excel Workbook that current has focus, meaning is the front facing Excel Window. 表达式。激活. En lecture seule. Open(Filename:=file, UpdateLinks:=0) Then you are able to refer to this variable instead of ActiveWorkbook. Workbooks("Book1. You can SET references to specific workbooks rather than just using their names each time. And to change things in the other Workbook, use wb Workbookオブジェクトは、ワークブックそのものです。1つのワークブックは、1つのExcelファイルです。マクロVBAで複数のブックを扱う場合や、ブックを読込んだり保存したりする場合は、Workbookオブジェクトをしっかり意識しつつVBAを記述しなければなりませ Workbooks(" アクティブにしたいブック名 "). Activate Note: If there are two windows for the same file as in image above, the VBA changing active workbook. 這個方法不會執行任何可能附加至活頁簿的Auto_Activate或Auto_Deactivate宏, (使用 RunAutoMacros 方法來執行這些宏) 。 範例. Tout d’abord, afin d’interagir avec les classeurs en VBA, vous devez comprendre l’Objet Workbook. xlsm" and "workbookFinal. If the VBA runs within the same workbook, try. Activate: Worksheets("Input"). Syntax. Sub GetWorkbookName() Dim strWBName As String strWBName = ActiveWorkbook. 表達 代表 Workbook 物件的 變數。 註解. Avez-vous des questions ou des commentaires sur Office VBA ou sur cette documentation ? Consultez la rubrique concernant l’assistance pour Office VBA et l’envoi de commentaires afin d’obtenir des instructions pour recevoir une assistance et envoyer vos commentaires. Activating the workbook. Activate End Sub VBA Activate Workbook – with Number:Example 2. Workbook 2 remains open. Range("Sheet2!B2") . Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Range("a1:a10"). xlsm is not the active workbook (due to the unqualified Sheets reference) but I can't see any other reason for needing an Activate. Once I've done what I need to do on there, I need to it then activate the original workbook, the one where I have all the VBA etc. xlMinimized set Workbook. Office VBA またはこの説明書に関するご質問やフィードバックがありますか? What This VBA Code Does. It is also one of the most often used The original workbook would not re-activate when ScreenUpdating was turned off. The ActiveWorkbook is the workbook that you (or the user) has selected before running the macro. xls"). If you need to calculate an entire workbook, the best option is to use the Calculate command: Because a workbook can have more than one window, Also, if you use Windows(wbName). 此方法不会运行可能附加到工作簿的任何Auto_Activate或Auto_Deactivate宏, (使用 RunAutoMacros 方法) 运行这些宏。. 0. 2013-12-11 vba如何将指定的workbook激活为active 3 2012-08-13 VBA问题:打开其他文件以后,可不可以用Windows("X 2 2017-11-03 Excel windows. Activate が機能しない主な原因. Excel VBA マクロでワークブックをアクティブにする方法を紹介します。 Workbook. Set current worksheet as a variable in order to work with formulas easier. Open "C:\VBA Folder\Sample file 1. The Workbook_Activate event occurs when the workbook is activated. Windows. ThisWorkbook. Also read: Protect and Unprotect Sheet Using VBA Activate Sheet in Another Workbook. We can activate the worksheet of another workbook from the current workbook. Sub CopySheetasValues() ' Declare variables Dim sourceWs As Worksheet Dim newWb As Workbook ' Set the source worksheet you want to copy from the active workbook Set sourceWs = ThisWorkbook. Select End With Activate sheet in another workbook. Count 'currently open files count: 2 wb. ThisWorkbookは特別なオブジェクトで、VBAでコードを書く際に直接使うことができます。他のブックを参照する際には、Workbooks("ブック名")のように指定しますが、ThisWorkbookは特定の名前を必要とせずに使え Activeworkbook depends on which workbook is active. Haben Sie Fragen oder Feedback zu Office VBA oder zu dieser Dokumentation? Unter Office VBA-Support und Feedback finden Sie Hilfestellung zu den Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Support erhalten und Feedback abgeben können. ThisWorkbook refers to the workbook in which Excel VBA code is being executed. xlsx,” we usually refer to the workbook like this. We are sure you must have also seen the word “Active Workbook” when referring to the other code. To activate a sheet the workbook itself need not be the active workbook. open or workbook. Here is the code that I'm using: VBA Activate worksheet help us activate the specified worksheet. xlsb") wb. MsgBox "The name of the active workbook is " & ActiveWorkbook. 备注. Activate Soporte técnico y comentarios ¿Tiene preguntas o comentarios sobre VBA para Office o esta documentación? Vea Soporte técnico y comentarios sobre VBA para Office para obtener ayuda sobre las formas en las que puede recibir soporte técnico y enviar comentarios. Activate Assistance et commentaires. Je montrerai ici différentes façons de spécifier le classeur que vous souhaitez activer. Name MsgBox strWBName End Sub. The following example code activates the workbook “2023 Sales Report. Activate 'the file we just opened Workbooks("book1"). Activate Activate workbook VBA code Activate workbook by filename. Es ist wichtig, den Unterschied zwischen ActiveWorkbook und ThisWorkbook in VBA zu kennen:. If the workbook is closed, then you have to include the Open function (see @thornomad's answer). I've tried . ScreenUpdating = True End Sub` Where I have an Excel Workbook that on form button click I want to save a copy of the workbook with the filename being the current date. xlsx"). Windows(filename). Modified 9 years, 11 months ago. Activate The index number denotes the order in which the workbooks were opened or created. Name Soporte técnico y comentarios ¿Tiene preguntas o comentarios sobre VBA para Office o esta documentación? Vea Soporte técnico y comentarios sobre VBA para Office para obtener ayuda sobre las formas en las que puede recibir soporte técnico y enviar comentarios. A name can change, or reference the wrong object. I am using Excel and Application. You can activate a workbook by specifying its full name if it’s open. Workbook not activating in Excel by passing as an argument. This is the preferred way of programming as against using the ActiveWorkbook (using Select). El uso de un nombre de variable en lugar de la cadena literal hace que su código sea más flexible. The ActiveWorkbook object always refer to the active workbook. Renvoie un objet Workbook qui représente le classeur dans la fenêtre active (fenêtre située en haut). path – Alwyn Miranda. Calculate Calculate Range. xls") MsgBox Workbooks. Count 'currently open files count: 1 Set wb = Workbooks. ; Type the following code inside the Module. Open "c:\\vba\sample3. Run - Workbook Name from Cell Reference - VBA. Activate Workbooks("Book1. I have a spreadsheet where in the VBA it goes off opening other spreadsheets and temporarily setting these to the active worksheet. FYI . 'Workbook Activate Sub sb_Activate_Workbook() Workbooks("Project1"). I was able to get the original workbook to re-activate properly by doing it in this order: turn ON screenupdating, open other workbook, re-activate ThisWorkbook, and then turn OFF screenupdating again. Activate Suporte e comentários. This macro code will ensure a specific worksheet tab is viewed every time the Excel workbook file is opened. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ThisWorkbook is always the workbook that the code is sitting in. path), but needed to run code against other workbooks Workbook_SheetActivate: ブック内のシートがActiveになった場合に処理を実行する: 2: Workbook_SheetDeactivate: ブック内のシートのActive状態が解除された場合に処理を実行する: 3: Worksheet_Activate: 特定のシートがActiveになった場合に処理を実行する: 4: Worksheet_Deactivate You will have a problem with your line Set Master = Workbooks("Master. ActiveWorkbook オブジェクトから、アクティブブックを取得できます。. Select workbook by name; Select workbook with variable name; Select workbook and sheet; Select workbook by name In diesem Artikel. GetFileName(fullFilename) set Workbook. ThisWorkbookプロパティ. L’objet Workbook. xlsxが格納 Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ActiveWorkbook Dim ws As エクセルVBAでWorkbooksコレクションオブジェクトのActivateメソッドを利用して、Excelのブックをアクティブにする方法について解説しています。VBAの基礎から応用まで幅広くまとめている初心者向けVBA入門サイト。 Method 5 – Using InStr Function to Activate Another Workbook with Partial Filename in Excel VBA. Print wb. xlsm". ActiveWorkbook. xlNormal ' You can also はじめに. I keep trying the the following ActiveWorkbook. If we don't specify which workbook or worksheet we want to run a line of code on, then VBA will run that code on the Active Workbook and Active Worksheet. Copy the following code and paste it into the above Module. ActiveWorkbook vs. Name Suporte e comentários. I close "Book1" with : ActiveWindow. That's why Set LookupWB = Application. However, I have a loop and at the end of the first iteration I need to set the active So now, "Book1" is the new workbook. エクセルでは複数ブックを扱います。そして、それぞれのブックには複数のシートが存在します。従って、マクロVBAでも複数ブック・複数シートを扱う必要があります。ここまでのVBAでは、あくまでアクティブブックのアクティブシートを対象としてきました。 指定したブックをアクティブにするサンプルコード Public Sub sample() ' 指定したブックを開く。 Workbooks. Earn 10 reputation (not counting the association bonus) in order to answer this question. But can I just declare it as a variable so i can reference it without re-opening. There is no VBA option to calculate only an entire workbook. I'm new to VBA and need some help with my code. From Insert, select Module. If you know the filename you can use that to identify the workbook to be put in front. Except that I would like to attach the full file path of the current excel document instead of using a static string value. Changer le classeur actif en utilisant un index comme numéro d’ordre du classeur (1 est le premier classeur ouvert ou créé) : Workbooks(1). Activating Workbooks written a cell. xlsx" ' 対象のブック名 found = False ' 開いているブックをループして確認 For Each wb In Workbooks If wb. activate through variable reference. Elle renvoie la valeur Nothing si aucune fenêtre n'est ouverte ou si la fenêtre active est la fenêtre Info ou Presse-papiers. Click Run to see the output. ScreenUpdating = False Workbooks("Hours. Aktivieren. Workbooks(1). or a workbook variable in general. Now you can interact with Book2’s object’s without explicitly stating the workbook name. Application. I am running VBA code from my Primary Workbook and here's what my code Excel VBA using Variable in Workbook Active is not working (getting active workbook name dynamically) 1. In this example, the paths to workbooks are in the A-column: Sub openWorkbooksFromVariables() Dim Lastrow As Long, i As Long Dim wbQ . Suppose multiple workbooks are open and the code is in excel file named "sales". I've tried a series of activeworkbooks, application. This code will need to be added to the ThisWorkbook object within the VBA Project. Window) Wn. By using the select Activate sheet in VBA method, we can select multiple worksheets; whereas activate method will select only one worksheet at a time. Aktiviert das erste mit der Arbeitsmappe verbundene Fenster. xlsx" This Activer un classeur avec VBA dans Excel ~ Activation du cahier d'exercices La méthode Activate de la classe Workbook est utilisée pour placer en haut le classeur sélectionné. After some manual intervention by user on Workbook 2, user clicks Command button 2 in Workbook 1, which triggers Macro 2. Activate Worksheet (Setting the ActiveSheet) To set the ActiveSheet use Worksheet. As I copy data from one file to another, I am trying to Activate the workbook what was opened by the GetOpenFilename application. When you have multiple workbooks open all those workbooks are part of the workbook collection and have a number that you can use to refer to and then you can use the activate method with it. Both are useful in different situations, of course. 3. WindowState = Excel. USe Thisworkbook. This code will recalculate Sheet1: Sheets("Sheet1"). I want to activate a workbook which has "Final" in its name. xlsx" ' 変数でアクティブにする場合(格納)sample3. Dim strWorkbook As String: strWorkbook = "Demo. Open("C:\test. Only one Sheet may be active at a time. Ausdruck. 示例 Use Workbooks (index), where index is the workbook name or index number, to return a single Workbook object. 実行中のVBAコードが記述されているブックを参照するには、 ThisWorkbookプロパティ を指定します。 Applicationオブジェクト配下のプロパティですが、通常では以下構文のように省略して記載します。 Dans cet article. Avec In this Excel VBA Tutorial, you learn how to activate workbooks with macros. Name Support and feedback. Activate then you are also at the mercy of your windows settings ("Hide extensions for known file types") which will determine how your windows name appears VBA - When to specify ActiveWorkbook. Example (while the files are still open): Windows("file2. To get the name of the active workbook, we need to use the name property of the workbooks object. For example, instead of Application. Using VBA I want to activate the workbook which has "Final" in it. xls:1。 Workbooks("BOOK4. SaveAs ("\\filePath\ Highly active question. If a workbook is new and not yet saved, it will be assigned a temporary name. How to activate a workbook that is open using the name of the workbook in VBA. xls。 如果 Book4. Activate I know that Activate and Select are inneficient, but if Now, whenever you open the workbook in which we placed the code, it will trigger the Workbook_Open event and activate the Summary sheet. xlsx") works. Hinweise. Activate 'initial file (unsaved yet It refers to the workbook that contains the currently running VBA code and is not affected by which workbook is currently active. ; Sub Save_and_Close_Active_Workbook() Select workbook using VBA. Option Explicit Sub ActivateSpecificWorkbook() Dim wb As Workbook Dim targetName As String Dim found As Boolean targetName = "SampleWorkbook. Tem dúvidas ou quer enviar comentários sobre o VBA para Office ou sobre esta documentação? Confira Suporte e comentários sobre o VBA para Office a fim de obter orientação sobre as maneiras pelas quais você pode receber suporte e fornecer comentários. FullName (updated as considered by the comments: the former used ActiveWorkbook. Activate Application. I fixed by forcing the file and sheet to activate. Activate a Worksheet from Outlook VBA. If you mean VBA, then you can use FullName, for example: strFileFullName = ThisWorkbook. 対象のワークシートが非表示になっている. xls, then I can reference that name which will then be consistent for every month. If your code is in workbook WB2 but processing another workbook WB1, you may want to call your VBA with that workbook as parameter and make it active at the end (Excel VBA) How would i declare an active workbook variable. It would make my life a lot easier . Sort Key1:=Range("a1"), Order1:=xlAscending End Sub I cannot seem to activate the exported file so I can copy the sheet. Activate MsgBox "ブックをアクティブにし MsgBox "The name of the active workbook is " & ActiveWorkbook. The problem starts to arise when you work in multiple Excel Option Explicit Sub wbActivate() Dim wb As Workbook MsgBox Workbooks. 8. Count if the workbook has multiple windows. FullName could more likely be wrong, if other office files may be open(ed) and active. The reputation requirement If you're adding new workbooks, they're normally activated, then you can use ActiveWorkbook. This is useful if you’d like to assign the ActiveWorkbook to a Please see the below VBA codes to activate a Workbook. This example sorts the range A1:A10 when the worksheet is activated. Activate メソッドから、ブックをアクティブにできます。. Therefore, generally you will precede the selection by activating its Parent. Activate . 此範例會啟動 Book4. Steps: From the Developer tab, select Visual Basic. ThisWorkbook only refers to "sales". Workbooks("Book2. Dim filename as string set filename = Path. 激活与工作簿相关的第一个窗口。 语法. This page shows how you can assign an open workbook to a Workbook variable using a Set statement. Activate, like select, takes a huge toll on performance. ワークブックの順番を表すインデックスを使用して、アクティブなワークブックを切り替えることもできます。 Get Workbook Name. Example: I have three open workbooks called "Workbook1. Often Excel VBA Developers mix these two common types of Workbooks in VBA. how to use ActiveSheet variable? 1. Open "c:\\vba\sample2. VBA ThisWorkbook means the workbook in which we are writing the Excel code. Workbooks(1) is the first workbook created, and Workbooks(Workbooks. Workbooks("Demo. So, for example, if you are working in the workbook named “Sales 2019. Set wb = Workbooks("Book1") The Name Workbook_Activate Event Procedure. Activate End Sub You can also iterate through each open workbook using for each. Let's call it Workbook 3 (again, filename can be different). Sub wb_names() Dim wb As Workbook For Each wb In Workbooks Debug. ; Alternatively, you can press ALT + F11 to do this too. xlsm" Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = Workbooks(strWorkbook) wb. I took the original question to mean that the macro resided in an add-in workbook (which would be ThisWorkbook. Calculate Workbook. Select you will be safer: With Application. See that we will activate another workbook by closing the existing workbook with the help of a Macro, where we will apply the VBA InStr function and put the partial filename in the code. To activate the worksheet of another workbook, we There are no macros in the document, it just seems that Workbooks. expression. An alternative way to (not dynamically) link a text to activate a worksheet without macros is to make the selected string an actual link. Range("Sheet2!B2"). So to change things in the Workbook the code resides in, use ThisWorkbook. ThisWorkbook オブジェクトから、VBA を実行しているブックをアクティブにできます。 This example displays the name of the active workbook. When you switch between two windows showing the same workbook, the WindowActivate event occurs, but the Activate event for the workbook doesn't occur. XlWindowState. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 6 months ago. expression Eine Variable, die ein Workbook-Objekt darstellt. XLS"). 10. nhk poy rfwyj umvboaam eaxjcn psnnfr nuhp hclfb jcr ujxav mfpa qiwnq dczk dqi kftq