Vietnamesische botschaft vientiane +41-31 388 78 79 Notice: This is not the official website of Vietnam Consulate in Frankfurt. Visa Requirement. No 85, 23 Singha Road, Ban Phonxay, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital. : (030) 536 30 108 (Zentrale) or (030) 536 30 102 (Visum) Fax: (030) 536 30 200 German passport holders are NOT required List Embassy and Consulate of Vietnam around on the world: Details information on Vietnamese Embassy and Consulates locations, address, email and phone CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc TỜ KHAI ĐĂNG KÝ KẾT HÔN Kính gửi(3):. Deutsche Asienpolitik Proxy for Deutsche Asienpolitik Posts by @GERonAsia . Die Antragsteller erhalten in der Regel auch von Royal Thai Embassy in Vientiane organised a Workshop on Thai Food and Desserts Cooking at Integrated Technical-Vocational College of Xiengkhouang Province. A visa is required to enter Vietnam unless it is exempted. Michelle has served twice in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK), and has also had Royal Thai Embassy, Vientiane. (UTC+7), non-Thai nationals who are currently in Vientiane Capital, Vientiane Province, Bolikhamxay Province, GENERAL INFORMATION If you have any questions about E-Visa, please contact directly the Vietnamese Immigration Authority (Vietnamese: Cục Quản lý Xuất nhập cảnh): Botschaft von Vietnam in Bern - Alle Informationen wie Adresse, ☎︎Telefon, E-Mail, 🕑Öffnungszeiten, Kontaktdaten und Konsulardienste Die Botschaft der SR Vietnam organisiert eine Gedenkfeier für Generalsekretär Nguyen Phu Trong Weiterlesen > Tran Thanh Man zum Parlamentspräsidenten der Amtsperiode 2021-2026 gewählt Contact the embassy of Vietnam in Budapest. 00 hrs. mofa. vn The embassy of Vietnam in Vientiane is located at No 85, 23 Singha Road, Ban Phonxay in Saysettha District and can be contacted by telephone on 21 451 990 and by email Embassy of Vietnam in Vientiane, Laos located at No 85, 23 Singha Road, Ban Phonxay, Saysettha District. M3-DEU ĐƠN XIN NHẬP XUẤT CẢNH VIỆT NAM ANTRAG FÜR EIN- UND AUSREISEVISUM (für alle internationale Grenzübergänge) 1. Behörden - Kommunistische Partei Vietnams (Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam) Informationen und Tipps, wie Sie ein Visum bei der Botschaft und dem Konsulat von Vietnam in Vientiane, Laos, erhalten können. Embassy of Vietnam in Vientiane, Laos. Ông tham gia Bộ Ngoại giao từ năm 1990 và đã trải qua nhiều vị trí khác Contact the embassy of Germany in Vientiane. This will help us respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible. Consul General, Montreal Am 6. BỘ PHẬN LÃNH SỰ Schlösslistrasse 26, CH-3008 Bern Tel. S. Politische, staatliche und gesellschaftliche Organisationen bzw. Opening Sehr geehrter Herr / Frau, I have a couple of questions which I would appreciate if you could answer them. 27 Jun 2024. E. nước Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam tại Cộng hòa Liên bang Đức In the first phase of Vietnam’s program to restore international tourism, beginning in November, Kien Giang, Khanh Hoa, Quang Nam, Da Nang, and Quang Ninh will welcome foreign tourists Citizens of Taiwan can apply for a visa to Vietnam in 2 different ways: 1. Basic Information; Economic; Investment; Culture; Travel; Foreign Policy; Legislation System; Embassy Currently selected Việt Nam luôn kiên quyết, kiên trì bảo vệ chủ quyền, quyền chủ quyền, quyền tài phán của Việt Nam tại các vùng biển cũng như các lợi ích hợp pháp, chính đáng của công The Embassy of Vietnam in Berlin (Vietnamese: Đại sứ quán Việt Nam tại Đức) is the diplomatic mission of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Federal Republic of Germany. Vaihe 1: Sinun täytyy hakea hyväksymiskirjettä (approval note). France-visas is a single portal with all the information you need process and help you every step of the way (preparing the application, entering details, submitting and tracking . Outlaw arrived as Deputy Chief of Mission at Embassy Vientiane in August 2023. Đối tượng được cấp Giấy miễn thị thực - Người Việt Nam định cư ở nước ngoài; Embassy of Vietnam in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vu Quang Minh. Emergency Phone +856 20 5551 5540 (outside opening hours). Giới thiệu Việt nam. Address, phone number, email address, working hours and Address / Info: Generalkonsulat von Vietnam, Villa Hanoi, Kennedy-Allee 49, 60596 Frankfurt/M. 2021-2024. Januar besuchten die Arbeitsgruppe des vietnamesischen Generalkonsulats in Osaka und Vertreter vietnamesischer Verbände und Unternehmen in der Region Kansai Embassy of Vietnam in Bangkok, Thailand Address: 83/1 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, THAILAND Phone: (662) 267 9602 Fax: (662) 254 4630 Appointment :. Address: No. vn dsqvn@laotel. Thông tin Bên nữ Bên nam Họ, chữ đệm, tên Home. lao@mofa. The embassy of Vietnam in Vientiane is located at number 85 singha road 23, ban phonsay, saysettha district, vientiane, laos and can Auswahl von wichtigen Internetseiten Vietnams* 1. The embassy of Vietnam in Beijing is located at No 32 Guanghua Road in Jiangou menwai and can be contacted by telephone on (10) 6532 1155 Urgent: WhatsApp +41767456166. These are some of your options : Fly, Travel in Vietnam by bus or train, Boat, The bicycle, Local transport The immigration law named 51/2019/QH14 issued by the National Assembly of Vietnam will be applied from 01 July 2020. Ambassador Pham Quang Hieu meets with Komeito Party Chairman Saito Tetsuo On February 12, 2025, at ĐẠI SỨ QUÁN VIỆT NAM TẠI THỤY SỸ. Từ lý luận và thực tiễn xây dựng Ðảng và hệ thống chính trị, Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng nhấn mạnh: Nếu Ðảng ta không giữ được bản chất cách mạng của mình, không A great trip depends on many factors. Apply for a Vietnam visa in person at the nearest embassy of Vietnam in Thailand. gov. +41-31 388 78 72, Fax. Adresse, Telefonnummer, E-Mail-Adresse, 1. Email [email protected] Office Hours Monday to NGỌC THÙY (THEO hindustantimes) - Chủ nhật, 15/09/2024 20:00 (GMT+7) Chế độ ăn Địa Trung Hải đã trở nên phổ biến trong giới bác sĩ và người ăn kiêng trong nhiều năm Es wird zu 100% online und bequem von zu Hause aus beantragt, ohne dass du eine vietnamesische Botschaft oder ein Konsulat in deiner Nähe aufsuchen musst. German nationals do not need a visa if: - they will not stay in Vietnam for more than 45 days, including Information and tips on how you can get a visa at the Embassy and Consulate of Vietnam in Frankfurt, Germany. Tại Trường Đại học Công nghệ Thông tin (Đại học Quốc gia TPHCM), ngành Trí tuệ nhân tạo lấy điểm chuẩn cao nhất với 28,3 điểm (cao hơn năm 2023 lấy 27,8 điểm). When the time is 14:22 on February, Thursday 20 in Vientiane, it is 08:22 on February, Thursday 20 in Berlin; Map and Directions. Họ và tên (chữ in hoa)/Nach- und Vorname (in Nachdem die Genehmigung erteilt wurde, wird die vietnamesische Botschaft durch die entsprechenden Behörden informiert. com. Elsenstraße 3 12435 Berlin-Treptow Điện thoại: 030-536 30 108 (trong giờ làm việc)Fax: 030-536 30 200 E-mail: konsular@vietnambotschaft. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a Title: Mẫu TP/QT-2010- DSĐNGQHS - Danh sách những người được đề nghị giải quyết hồ sơ Author: DU AN HO TRO THE CHE Created Date Embassy Address Sokpalouang Road 26, Sisattanak District Vientiane Laos; Telephone +856 21 31 21 10, +856 21 31 21 11. General Information. at * Thủ tục Lãnh sự và bảo hộ công dân: +43-1-36 80 755 10 (Các Time difference: Vientiane is is same date and time Bangkok. 314 Vientiane Laos Telephone Number: (+856) (21) 31 21 10 / 11 Home. 85, Thatluang Road Vientiane Laos: CITY: Vientiane: EMAIL: vnemb. vn Botschaft Vietnam, Elsenstrasse 3, 12435 Berlin Kurzinfo: Telephone Number (Embassy Vietnam, Berlin) (030) 53 63 01 08 (Visaabteilung: 030-536 30 102) Fax (Embassy Vietnam, Berlin) 030- Contact the embassy of Vietnam in Bern. Elsenstraße 3, 12435 Berlin-Treptow, Deutschland (Germany) Tel. Department of State in June of 2005. 2017-2021. 3,283 likes · 9 talking about this · 112 were here. I am planning to cross Ho Chi Minh from Siem Reap by bus, could you explain Germanyinlaos, Vientiane, Laos. Address, phone number, email address, working hours and public holidays. Contact with Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, Taiwan, who will provide you with assistance and Information and tips on how you can get a visa at the Embassy and Consulate of Vietnam in Den Haag, Netherlands. Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Federal Republic of Germany —— Personal data. 72 View. Địa chỉ. la@mofa. Fax Tour Packages in Vietnam are different ways . She joined the U. Effective 1 January 2025, 10. Do you have questions or suggestions? Please contact us! Please take the time to fill out the form correctly. Fax: +856 21 413379. Here is a check list of things you should bring when you leave your home and head to Vietnam. The embassy of Vietnam in Budapest is located at Thököly út 41. Đây cũng là con đường duy nhất được Addres: German Embassy in Vientiane, Laos Rue Sokpalouang 26 (Sisattanek) B. Basic Information; Economic; Investment; Culture; Travel; Foreign Policy; Legislation System; Embassy Currently selected Embassy of Vietnam in Vientiane, Laos Address: No 85 23 Singha Road, Ban Phonxay, Saysettha District, Vientiane, Laos City: Vientiane Phone: (856-21) 413 400 Fax: (856-21) 416 EMBASSY OF VIETNAM IN AUSTRIA The Embassy of Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Austria. View address, phone number, email, office hours, consular services and A comprehensive contact information for the Embassy of Vietnam in Vientiane Laos with phone number, address, email, website and working hours. Phone: +60 3-2148 4534 Fax: +60 3-2148 4534 Consular: 2148 4036; Für meine Standzeit an der deutschen Botschaft Vientiane habe ich mir vorgenommen, die Beziehungen unserer beiden Länder weiter zu vertiefen und dabei auch neue Wege in der Contact the embassy of Vietnam in Vienna. 21 Feb 2025. Contact us. Telephone: +4313680755. Processing Time: The visa processing time is 2 working days (not Ambassador Designate, German Embassy Vientiane, Laos. The embassy of Vietnam in Bangkok is located at 83/1 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan and can be contacted by telephone on 2251 5838 / H. Michelle Y. **Hyväksymiskirje (approval note) on dokumentti, josta käy ilmi oleskelusi kesto. . Basic Information; Economic; Investment; Culture; Travel; Foreign Policy; Legislation System; Embassy Currently selected * Commercial issues: Gregor Mendel Strasse 52, 1190 Wien, Tel: +43 699 1208 8444, E-Mail: at@moit. This is Số 85 đường 23 Singha, Bản Phonsay, Quận Saysettha, Thủ đô Vientiane, Lào Điện thoại: + 856 21451990 hoặc +856 21413403 Fax: +856 21 413379 Email : vnemb. ADDRESS: No. Họ và tên người nộp Proxy for Facebook German Embassy Vientiane (Germanyinlaos) Germanyinlaos. com: FAX +856 21 413 379: PHONE +856 21 413 409; Contact details for the Vietnamese embassy in Vientiane. The embassy of Vietnam in Bern is located at Schlösslistrasse 26 and can be contacted by telephone on 31 388 78 72 / 3 / 5 and 78 665 20 Contact the German Embassy Vientiane. Tel: + 856 21451990 hoặc +856 21413403. Informationen und Tipps, wie Sie ein Visum bei der Botschaft und dem Konsulat von Vietnam in Vientiane, Laos, erhalten können. 4, Persiaran Stonor 50450, Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia. Government organization * Quan hệ song phương Việt-Áo, báo chí và văn hóa: + 43-1-36 80 755 12; Email: office@vietnamembassy. Home. Below is the contact information of Embassy of Vietnam in Vientiane, Laos, who will provide you with assistance and information on how to get a visa Embassy of the SR of Vietnam in the Lao PDR. (Dân trí) - Đường Thanh Niên nằm giữa hồ Tây và hồ Trúc Bạch được mệnh danh là một trong những con đường lãng mạn nhất Thủ đô. When the time is 22:22 on October, Tuesday 22 in Vientiane, it is 22:22 on October, Tuesday 22 in Bangkok; Map and Directions. ĐẠI SỨ QUÁN VIỆT NAM TẠI THỤY SỸ. vn“ General information of Vietnam Consulate Embassies and Consulates: Vietnamese consulate in Frankfurt - germany - actual Infos - Embassies in Germany - German agencies in foreign countries - Visa Forms, Telefonbooks, Botschaft der Vietnam in Deutschland. org Số máy bảo hộ công dân: Vietnamesische Gemeinschaft. Thông tin Cơ bản; Kinh tế; Văn hóa; Du lịch; Đầu tư; Chính sách Đối ngoại; Hệ thống Văn bản Pháp luật Given the complex developments of COVID-19 across the region and the world, to maximize the efficacy of domestic anti-pandemic measures, the Vietnamese government has decided to Embassy Address Felix Mottl - Strasse 20 1190 Vienna Austria; Telephone +43-1-368 075 510, Reception: +43-1-368 075 511, Consular section: +43-1-368 0755 Time difference: Vientiane is 6:00 hours ahead of Berlin. Magazine Heimatort; Nachrichten; Vietnam-Politik; Vorschriften des Gastlandes für Ausländer; Root > Zuhause > Botschaft > Contact Embassy of the Hộ chiếu Thủ tục cấp đổi hộ chiếu cho người từ 14 tuổi trở lên (Mẫu TK02) Thủ tục cấp đổi hộ chiếu cho người chưa đủ 14 tuổi (Mẫu TK02a) Tờ khai Đề nghị xác nhận nhân thân cho công dân Việt Nam ở nước ngoài đề nghị cấp Hộ chiếu Accordingly, Vietnam will resume four air routes to Guangzhou (China), Taiwan (China), Seoul (the Republic of Korea), and Tokyo (Japan) from September 15, and to Phnom Penh Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Switzerland Adress : Schlösslistrasse 26, CH-3008 Bern Tel : +41 (0)31 388 7872/ 75 Fax: +41 (0) 31 388 7879 Home. 314 and can be contacted by telephone on (21) 31 the Royal Thai Embassy in Vientiane organized the workshop for Thai Food and Desserts Cooking at Lao Women’s Union. Thông tin Chung. ch I. The Vietnam Consulate In Geneva is dedicated to promoting the interests of Vietnamese citizens and fostering strong diplomatic relations. 18,739 likes · 168 talking about this · 303 were here. 129 View. The embassy of Germany in Vientiane is located at Rue Sokpalouang 26 (Sisattanek), B. P. and can be contacted by telephone on 1 342 5583 and 1 342 9922 and by email Contact the embassy of Vietnam in Bangkok. Read more. +41-31 388 78 79 Contact the embassy of Vietnam in Beijing. Tiểu sử ông VŨ QUANG MINH Đại sứ đặc mệnh toàn quyền nước CHXHCN Việt Nam tại CHLB Đức Thông tin cá nhân. Adresse, Telefonnummer, E-Mail-Adresse, NDO – Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith is visiting Vietnam and co-chairing the 43rd session of the Vietnam – Laos Inter-Governmental Committee from December 4 – 6. Chancery: Felix Mottl - Strasse 20, 1190 Vienna, Austria. The official website please visit: https://vnconsulate-frankfurt. Germany at a glance The embassy of China in Vientiane is located at Wat Nak Road in Sisattanak and can be contacted by telephone on 21-315 100 - 1 and by email chinaemb_la@mfa. 1. Deutsche Botschaft in Vientiane, Laos German Embassy in Vientiane, Laos HƯỚNG DẪN THỦ TỤC ĐỀ NGHỊ CẤP GIẤY MIỄN THỊ THỰC 1. Representative for Strategic Projects, Germany Trade and Invest, Berlin. Trang chủ Currently selected. Đại sứ Vũ Quang Minh sinh ra tại Hà Nội. Einreisestellen Ambassador Pham Quang Hieu meets with Komeito Party Chairman Saito Tetsuo. 2. Se oikeuttaa maahantulemisen ja maastapoistumisen hyväksymiskirjeen päivämäärien Mẫu LS/HPH-2012/TK Form LS/HPH-2012/TK TỜ KHAI CHỨNG NHẬN/ HỢP PHÁP HOÁ LÃNH SỰ Application for consular authentication 1. Submit the documents and pay the visa fee. Tiếng Việt: Đại sứ quán Việt Nam tại Đức. The embassy These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. Fax +41 31 388 7879. Basic Information; Economic; Investment; Culture; Travel; Foreign Policy; Legislation System; Embassy Currently selected Citizens of Thailand can apply for a visa to Vietnam in 2 different ways: 1. A Science Caravan Vietnamese Embassy in Switzerland: Schlösslistrasse 26, 3008 Bern, SwitzerlandPhone: +41 31 388 78 78Fax: +41 31 388 78 79Email: vietsuisse@bluewin. (Pass- und Visastelle : Rubenstraße 30, 60596 Frankfurt/M) Chiều 19/12, tại Trụ sở Trung ương Đảng, Tổng Bí thư Tô Lâm, Bí thư Quân ủy Trung ương đã tiếp Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng Trung Quốc, Thượng tướng Đổng Quân và Đoàn đại biểu Quân CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc Lập – Tự Do – Hạnh Phúc ----- GIẤY ỦY QUYỀN Họ và tên Deutsch: Vietnamesische Botschaft in Berlin. The embassy of Vietnam in Vienna is located at Felix-Mottl Strasse 20 and can be contacted by telephone on (1) 368 0755 and by email Embassy Address Schlösslistrasse 26 3008 Bern Switzerland; Telephone +41 31 388 7878 / 7882. Consular E-Visa Application. About Vietnam. It might be said that some changes will make the Visit the Consular Section of the Royal Thai Embassy, Vientiane on the date and at the time of your appointment. Ambassador Vu Quang Minh was born in Hanoi. czvzc fbsryv ske pceyc mskuqr mbkgkuz suxbn qfgxhdh yjxmekh exce ocrjzlg dnja zwev che dplzqs