Home assistant mqtt button. lordzid (Lordzid) February 12, 2022, 7:53am .
Home assistant mqtt button. MQTT - Home Assistant (home-assistant.
- Home assistant mqtt button 4 and ESPHome v2024. Remote MQTT Controlled devices do not The wanted position value or payload_stop will be published to command_topic to control the valve when the actions valve. This integration communicates with a Qbus controller over an MQTT server. I decided to proceed with a fresh installation and manually reconfigure the mqtt entities. My devices are wifi Sonoff lights & switches running Tasmota & are configured as manual MQTT entities. domain: automation input: You are probably seeing “button bounce” - the physical contacts rebound from each other for pico seconds, but enough to trigger the uP many, many times. By creating a switch in Dashboard button to send a MQTT payload? Solved I want to have a button on my dashboard that if I click, it sends a payload via mqtt to a topic, but I can't figure out where and what to put Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. 12, and it's used by 44. Edit the main. But you still have to tell those devices to do that. The service for a Instructions on how to integrate MQTT buttons into Home Assistant. In the last day or so, the HA scripts for them have stopped working. 0 Interface: 20231005. This means that to set up a trigger, you need a device ID and IEEE address, and neither can be templated. I release it and I get nothing. 4% of the active installations. 1 button and switch commands. input: input_device: name: Input Device description: Select the The labels and button actions can be easily configured directly in Home Assistant. Changed blueprint to use MQTT Topic Triggers instead of the HA SNZB-01 device sensor entity which no longer exist. I then toggle the Added an alternate blueprint that handle multiple buttons allowing control of many buttons within the same automation. I just purchased a shelly button. List of the built-in integrations of Home Assistant. I would like to set up some redundant bridges on my network, namely RF433 to MQTT ones. Looking back through the code, it looks like this is either Button status: Pressed or Button status: No Press. yaml file: mqtt: broker: "192. I successfully started to use this information as a MQTT Binary Sensor, but this seems not to be the right approach for me, see my discussion here, as I manually have to reset the button. client. open, value. OLD (with Action) blueprint (OLD with Action): name: Zigbee2MQTT - Tuya 2 This is the blueprint for the Sonoff Zigbee Wireless Switch (SNZB-01): Supported actions: Single press Double press Long press (4 seconds) blueprint: name: Zigbee2MQTT - Sonoff SNZB-01 Zigbee Wireless Switch description: Automate your Sonoff SNZB-01 Zigbee Wireless Switch via Zigbee2MQTT. It does not use of any legacy features of Zigbee2MQTT and allows you to freely assign any action(s) to the buttons and their long-presses. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. So far so good,- I integrated the Switch (after short interruption since i needed to activate HA Intergration) and when I make a single atomation it works. I noticed that my VALLHORN motion Example: processing event data using a value template . Since I have two buttons, I decided to try both implementations to see if I noticed any differences. When we only had switches, everything was a switch. To make Home Assistant integration easy, Home Buttons uses MQTT discovery which basically makes Buttons automatically appear on the Devices page in Home assistant - no setup required! There are three steps: a) enable the MQTT integration in Home Assistant by adding parameters to the central configuration file, b) Add MQTT integration to each ESPHome controlled sensors and the behavior to be triggered when an MQTT message is received, and finally c) Define custom Home Assistant Dashboard cards that will send the MQTT messages. Set up an integration to the Mosquitto broker in Home Assistant configuration There are two separate questions, but they are very much connected so I will post them together. Can confirm this doesn’t work if you set legacy_triggers to false. And you have to hope there is a button to do that. 10 so it should have the ability to be used. The controllers cannot Hi everybody, I just upgraded to Z2MQTT 2. I was able to successfully integrate WLED into Home Assistant instance with the RGB and it is working flawlessly. It’s similar to this blueprint and other blueprints variants for Hi, I’m trying to create a binary sensor which would replicate zigbee button status (hue button connected via zigbee2mqtt). This can be used to expose some service of a remote device, for example reboot. OK: I have a 3-gang RF button I have a Sonoff bridge I can see the incoming button clicks for each button as a notification, for testing (thanks to this article) These show up like this: Sonoff RF Receive Name: 3wayA1 Command: 0 where 3wayA1 is the name of the button in eWeLink, and Command=0 is its unique ID and, for the MQTT + Toggle Button + ziggbe2mqtt. Or, even more simply have the button call the MQTT Service directly type: Device Configuration information Storage in Home Assistant. MQTT Switch The mqtt switch platform lets you control your MQTT enabled switches. A bit later check-button-card Description Check Button Card is a button that tracks when it is last pressed, for the Home Assistant Lovelace front-end using MQTT auto discovery. Supported actions for each button: Short press Double press Long press (5 seconds) Get started Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant I’ve been using Zigbee2MQTT - Aqara Wireless Switch (single, double, triple, quadruple) for a while now and it’s been good. jonathanp June 30, 2018, 2:54am 1. The MQTT device triggers are discovered by Zigbee2MQTT once the event is triggered on the device at least once. 0. Features Shows how long ago you’ve pressed the button. Supports: WXKG11LM, WXKG12LM, WXKG03LM, WXKG06LM, WXKG07LM, WXKG02LM, WXKG**LM, QBKG04LM, QBKG11LM, Setup a simple MQTT button, that I can stick on the wall next to the light switch (can’t play with the actual switch as we rent this place). This will not work for TS0044. After creating some automations with tradfri 5 button remote to control music (simple play/pause/next track), I noticed that upon restart (docker-compose restart/host os restart), in frontend ui, the trigger becomes unknown: . MQTT - Home Assistant (home-assistant. I can control the Zigbee Hue lightbulbs from the HA interface, so Zigbee2MQTT seems to be talking to HA. 3 Supervisor 2023. Hi everyone, This is a blueprint for the Tuya 4-Gang switch, TS004F edition. Tobster77 November 12, 2024, 7:49pm 9. Home Buttons uses MQTT Discovery and will appear in Home Assistant automatically. js using the below. ESPHome. I have been following advice from the forums when i have got stuck which has been great. In HA it looks like this And the web interface shows this Do I need to enable each press? What about the url to “hit”? Here is the ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ Use a new native method to bind any keys without blueprints. Hello everyone. You can configure most of the settings directly in Home Assistant. The blueprint filename has changed if you used a privious The technical context of this article is Home Assistant v2024. It can be integrated into most smart home systems that support MQTT, though some features may not be available. Integration using MQTT but nothing is seen by HA — the status here does not change when I press the button. EDIT May 28 2020 Added to bottom of post: Sonoff Touch multiple press and group topic This works 1 short press, 2 short press, 3 short press and long press on tasmota Sonoffs basic button to toggle other MQTT devices. It condenses all 12 unique button actions for a Scene Switch into a single, easy-to-maintain automation. I have an instance of Hello people, I am using HA for my house, with Arduino Mega controllers on a wired network as endpoints for the actual control entities: switches for relays lights for both If you want a button that lights up when your MQTT device has the "on" state and is off when the state is "off", than choose the "Button" card. My wife is very reluctant to let me put a wifi light bulb in the kitchen. 10. Hi all, Problem I have been using zigbee2mqtt integration with home assistant. I’ve built a button like this to refresh my tablet running my dashboard: type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: 'custom:button-card' color_type: blank-card - type: 'custom:button-card' icon: 'mdi:tablet' blueprint: domain: automation name: Moes/Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch by Dameq description: Moes/Tuya 4-Button Scene via Zigbee (MQTT trigger version). I would just like to cycle the function, based on the previous function. I think I am missing something. blueprint: domain: automation name: Moes/Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch by Dameq description: Moes/Tuya 4-Button Scene via Zigbee (MQTT trigger version). 0 release will drop support for the legacy sensors that blueprint uses. Pairing was fairly simple after This is a blueprint for the Tuya 4-button Scene Switch. Supported actions for each button: Short press Double press Long press (5 seconds) Get started Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant User guide Controlling The Device. If any other steps are required, instructions are clearly displayed on the e-ink. Due I’ve successfully set up an IR blaster with MQTT to Home Assistant to control various devices at home. blueprint: name: Zigbee2MQTT - Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch TS004F description: Automate your Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch (TS004F) via Zigbee2MQTT. 12. The MQTT integration is a prerequisite for MQTT Statestream to work. Home Assistant doesn’t appear to store the device configuration information anywhere but instead publishes it to the MQTT broker as a retained message. close, or value. 0 update and its breaking changes. Just set the “topic” to <your_device_topic>/action with on as the payload which will capture the button press. Installation; Automations; Dashboards; This is a blueprint for the Tuya 4-button Scene Switch (Last Updated 12/01/25) Supported actions for each button: Short press Double press Long press (5 seconds) Get started Click the badge to import this Blueprint: Zigbee2MQTT - Tuya 4-Button Switch (MQTT Device Trigger) Blueprint moved to github. In my case the receiver of the topic (espeasy) needs to receive only 0 or 1. lordzid (Lordzid) February 12, 2022, 7:53am DEVICE BUTTON WITH 4 DIFFERENT ACTIONS Tasmota Version 8. This is already an inconvenience, but when it comes to blueprints, it 4- Copy the code from the files main. This is the JSON data that is received Blueprint to support the Samsung SmartThings Button using Zigbee2MQTT. I have the Sonoff USB Dongle and it was already up and running with some other Zigbee gear. View source on GitHub This is what I did after creating the button entry under mqtt: In configuration. Here is a nearly identical blueprint that implements support for the WXKG11LM using device triggers. This library manages MQTT structure to easily publish Sensors, Binary sensors, Buttons, Switches, Numbers and Options to create a device and communicate with it in Home Assistant. The web interface says 2 but in HA it say one. 0) description: Automate your Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch domain: automation input: tuya_device: name: Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch description: Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch to use selector: device: integration: mqtt manufacturer: Tuya model: Wireless switch with 4 buttons Integration with Home Assistant. 168. I am trying to use the Home Assistnat web GUI to setup some buttons to publish MQTT messages but it feels like this is impossible to do. blueprint: name: Zigbee2MQTT - Tuya 1-Button Scene Switch description: Automate your Tuya 1-Button Scene Switch via Zigbee2MQTT. This blueprint works with Zigbee2MQTT only. Hold button to set custom time. MQTT_SERVER = This Blueprint allows you define the actions to be taken when perform a single click, double click or hold on the Tuya 4-Button Remote Switch (TS0044_1). In many cases, translation of an existing published payload is needed. This is my Home Assistant dash board. but with mqtt explorer it is visible the esp32 send properly the feedback on the right topic. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Hans_van_der_Drift (Hans Van Der Drift) February 12, 2022, 7:08am The disconnect between the state of a zigbee2mqtt group and Home Assistant is not 100%, so the above is what I came up with. If you want to register the double-click, use off as the payload. Configuration . yaml. It lists the integrations Blueprint for Tuya 2 button switch. The sensor shall stay in ON state as long, as the button as pressed and shall go to OFF when the button is released. Hi I want to use an RF switch (intercepted by my Sonoff RF Bridge) to toggle a light switch. It does not send “payload_off” data. 0 with actual HA Version. The remote can The setup: esp32 with PubSubClient publishing mqtt msg HomeAssistant I have created an mqtt switch in the configuration. I just stuck ‘home assistant script to send mqtt’ in and that was the first result . Using an MQTT broken means that device can wake, measure, send, sleep; all without having to wait for a connection from the Home Assistant server. So I thought I’d offer a dummies guide for people like me. Set up an integration to the Mosquitto broker in Home Assistant configuration However, as OP stated, the WOL-function on itself should be a button, not a switch. To get to the device's page in Home Assistant, click settings in the Moes 4-Button Scene Switch Z2M (TS0044) Blueprint Easily Automate TS0044 Devices Paired via Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M) Description This blueprint is designed for the Moes 4-Button Scene Switch (TS0044), integrated with Zigbee2MQTT. domain: automation input: switch: name: Tuya 1-Button Scene Switch description: Tuya 1-Button Scene Switch to use selector: entity: integration: mqtt domain: sensor multiple: false button_one_short_press: name: Single I am trying to get a simple momentary button on my Home Assistant front page that will publish a MQTT message, but I can seem to do it. Below is the beginning of the flow where I used the zha event scanner and deviceID nodes to control the single press, double press & hold of the buttom I have paired the smartthings button in zigbee2mqtt and it’s recognizing The following variable values were passed through via the Home Assistant add on configuration options. It’s annoying to set up MQTT automations for these buttons (especially if you have more), so hopefully this blueprint will ease the process quite a lot. Sentry03 (Sentry03) The frontend was only composed of toggle buttons from mqtt switches. I got the bell signal tunneled to a Mosquitto-Server. Add ConEdison smart energy meter sensor integration by bvlaicu · Pull Request #28668 · home-assistant/core · GitHub Also do you know how I can change the colours of the light bulbs with left and right buttons? Thanks! 😊 (top of the Z2M page in your Home Assistant) > Home Assistant integration > Home Assistant legacy entity attributes. The problem I am having is writing the condition template for the automation to toggle the correct Boolean switch in HA. 1. Open the dashboard where you Hi, I am new to HA and I am trying to create a button for the UI that when pressed, will publish to a mqtt topic. It's also possible to use Home Buttons without Home Assistant. Upon restarting HA or reloading Manually Configured MQTT Entries, I am able to use the automation once. koying (Chris B) January 21, 2022, 11:16am 3. I no longer use this blueprint and have no plans to support it. This List of the built-in integrations of Home Assistant. For some reason the Shelly integration for me did not work with the Shelly Button1, so I had to resort to MQTT. 3, but it should work with newer versions as well. (Using the method where the automation triggers for any mqtt device action) 05/01/2025. js from Github GitHub - id628/flic2hass: A Flic SDK utility to publish all Flic buttons to Home Assistant via MQTT 5- If your MQTT has a password. . publish(“buttondata”, message); This line sends a message with topic ‘buttondata’ and a payload with whatever is in the message variable. The “new way” how mqtt messages should be sent to HA topic: zigbee2mqtt/TRADFRI remote control 1 payload I've some Xiaomi Aqara WXKG12LM buttons that have been working fine for ages now. js and mqtt. EDIT: I said existing, looks like the pull request was never completed. Home Buttons communicates via the MQTT protocol on a local network. I just setup my automation from scratch using the mqtt trigger. 5 Getting started; Documentation . I would like to use the hold for dimming of one bulb. Hi, I am a few weeks into learning Home Assistant, first time asking for advice. If these messages are published with a RETAIN flag, the MQTT switch will receive an instant state update after subscription, and will start with the correct state. Such configs exist for things like Tasmota, zigbee2mqtt, etc. The RF switch is a simple push button. No cloud required. x releases of Under ‘HOME ASSISTANT DISCOVERY’ the switch is ENABLED; Broadcast button will be used later on once the config in Home Assistant has been modified to be able to discover this broadcast by the MQTT Hub; 5. I installed the broker, created and configured users. I was able to read payload from the trigger, but have difficulties to I have the following configuration for several lights: A Light (or group of lights) A push button - typically connected to a ESPxx that sends a MQTT message like button/x/y with payload 1 for normal push. By Arduino Library to create IoT devices connected to Home Assistant via MQTT. 0 Operating System 11. I would like a push button on the UI to do nothing other than publish a value to an mqtt topic. To enable MQTT Statestream in Home Assistant, add the following section to There are two separate questions, but they are very much connected so I will post them together. allows you to integrate your Qbus Control into Home Assistant. I would like to perform different actions based on physical switch, timer, motion, etc. To enable MQTT Statestream in Home Assistant, add the following section to So there is hope to get something generic going with Green button integration. An extra attribute button will be set to Button1 and be added to the entity, but only if the Action property Dear all, I’m trying to make my doorbell smart. I’m using HA core-2021. The problem is that each of the bridges will catch the RF433 message (from a wall switch for instance) and forward it, on its own topic, to MQTT - to be retrieved and processed by HA afterwards. This is a blueprint for the Tuya 4-button Scene Switch. Now I have built a Home Assistant Server on a VirtualBox VM. (2 for double press and L for long press) A motion sensor - typically connected to a ESPxx that sends a MQTT message like motion/x/y with payload 1. Not sure if I got you right: I searched and I found the “MQTT Event” type: MQTT Event - Home Assistant. 2025. Supported actions for each button: Short press Double press Long press (5 seconds) Get started Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Hello MQTT is new to me and I don’t understand that yet. To add an MQTT configuration to Home Assistant, put this into the configuation. On investigation, it appears that in the Home Assistant Automations, the Single, Double, Hold and Shake Device Triggers are not appearing in Home Assistant. domain: automation input: switch: name: Sonoff SNZB-01 If there is no feedback available from the switch you can set optimistic: true for mqtt switches but the state of the switch in the front end may get out of sync with the physical switch if it can be controlled by some method other than home assistant. The necessary changes were made and everything seems to be ok. I added a button on the dashboard, but it say as status “unknown” and not sending other then “off” mqtt msg. I am basicaly using esp8266 dev board installed with WLED software using mosfets and analog LED RGB Strip and a relay. Supports reading actual values from MQTT upon restart. The Blueprints available do not work,- any idea why or what I need to change in the YAML to make it work with the new Z2MQTT? blueprint: name: Hello, I’m trying to configure an MQTT button to send a value to a topic on a custom device. Z2M sends these null triggers out as part of the way it is designed, so screening them is important. If you just want an on/off toggle, choose the "Entities" card. io) After installation of the broker, you can subscribe to a topic. The MQTT button integration was introduced in Home Assistant 2021. The documentation for triggering automations from MQTT messages is here Hello Guys, I am stuck on making my WLED project work. From what I have read, creating a script would be a good way to do it. SWITCH works good with his "payload_on" and "payload _off", but BUTTON only say "PRESS" Any idea on how to fix this? The new Zigbee2MQTT 2. Its IoT class is Configurable. To use your MQTT valve in your installation, add the following to your configuration. yaml The configuration. x”; var hatopic = “yourMQTTusername”; var flictopic = “flic”; MQTT Statestream The mqtt_statestream integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. I have made an MQTT blueprint for the Shelly Button1. The birth message topic is homeassistant/status, per the release notes, and I have applied the config changes and restarted HA. To get to the device's page in Home Assistant, click settings in the left side bar, then open Devices & Services, move to the Devices tab and click on the name you gave your Home Buttons in the previous step. Hold button - Brightness decreases to minimum possible until button released. That’s not how it used to be and how it is documented at the moment, but it is a logical consequence of the addition of the button-entity to Home Assistant and a perfect use-case of this new entity. There are two ways to integrate this device with Home Assistant: a native Home Assistant integration and using MQTT. 2. 30/12/2023 My suggestion to ‘fix’ the null triggering problem is to add a trigger condition that only allows valid triggers thru to the actions. Qbus is a Belgian manufacturer of Home Automation systems. 1 and below: Info Screen - hold any button for 2 s; Settings Menu - hold any button for 5 s; Home Assistant. Info Screen - hold any button for 2 s; Settings Menu - hold any two buttons together for 5 s; Firmware v2. Select your light (or multiple lights) entities and the brightness up/down short click and This blueprint allows you to more easily assign custom actions to your IKEA TRADFIR 5-button remote with the Zigbee2MQTT 2. This is already an inconvenience, but when it comes to blueprints, it . After inputing the WiFi credentials, Buttons connects to the WiFi. It supports the following I was searching around for tips on adding and updating the Ikea Shortcut button ( E1812) using zigbee2mqtt and while I found bits here and there, I couldn’t find a one-stop shop. Note that you enable these new actions by setting the Zigbee2MQTT configuration “Home Assistant experimental event entities” to enabled (true) However, it seems the Zigbee2MQTT devs have I think MQTT button does the opposite of what you are trying to do. Automatic sensor configuration using Home Assistant MQTT discovery. 178" port: 8883 username: "USERNAME" password: "PASSWORD" Home Assistant (Starting with FW version 2. Home Assistant 2023. These wall switches have only one message: “I was pressed”. Undo unwanted changes. I have enabled CoIT and I have been able to add it to HA, but after that I cannot really do anything with it. Prerequisites . MQTT Statestream The mqtt_statestream integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. However, the upcoming Zigbee2MQTT 2. blueprint: name: Zigbee2MQTT - Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch Fixed (2025. Configuration. In an ideal scenario, the MQTT device will have a state_topic to publish state changes. This blueprint has been updated to use the new Device Actions in Zigbee2MQTT v2. – more details below due to new user being limited to posting 1 This is a reworked version of the blueprint for Tuya 4-Button Scene Remotes (like TS0044), using MQTT triggers instead of legacy action entities. Home Assistant Community MQTT Button setup. 3. Built starting with the ZHA version by johnny5w Supported actions: Single press Double press Hold Blueprint: blueprint: name: Zigbee2MQTT [Z2M] - Samsung SmartThings Button description: Automate your Samsung SmartThings button using Zigbee2MQTT. Click the badge to import this Blueprint (needs Home Assistant Core 2021. As I wrote, “MQTT Event” looks like the right approach, but I’m to inexperienced to implement it properly, I assume. Not very elegant. 0 introduces the new event based actions for things with buttons. Hold button - Brightness increases to max possible until button released. This is code that I have cobbled together from bits I have found on the internet. MQTT button - Home Assistant Set Up Home Assistant. yaml, add the button definition as described above. MQTT client controlling SwitchBot button automators & curtain motors, compatible with Home Assistant :house_with_garden: 🐳 - GitHub - fphammerle/switchbot-mqtt: MQTT client controlling SwitchBot button automators & curtain motors, compatible with Home Assistant 🐳 Option 1: My Home Assistant. The problem I am encountering is with adding PIR (HC-SR501). Model: TS0042 Vendor: Tuya Based on: Blueprint from Stinger 4 button switch (Profile - Stringer - Home Assistant Community) Actions: Short press Double press Long press (5 seconds) Two versions below! One with or without the action attribute. Zigbee2MQTT documentation recommends device triggers for buttons on smart things. 0 the Button+ device is automatically added to your HA configuration) Homey (There is a free Homey app available in the Homey app store) We provide a public MQTT broker Hi, I'm exploring the use of BUTTON in platform MQTT I've already used SWITCH and it works good, but I need a monostable switch, a "button" indeed. 0 - latest. I have one of BRUH Automation’s multisensor set up and working, which has been the basis for my understanding regarding MQTT. Then I signed up a shelly and a dingz button to the broker. deanfourie (Dean) November 6, 2021, 9:18pm For the shelly, you would have to tell it to do home assistant mqtt discovery. I need that to identify x1/x2/x3 clicking patterns afterwards. MQTT_USER = mqtt-user. I push the switch and the I use MQTT for devices that are deep-sleep devices - temperature sensors and the like. 1 Like. var server = “192. I can’t find a topic that covers this. set_position are called. The blueprint requires an ID, which can be read Qbus The Qbus integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. It will work in the 1. Save the file. I push the switch, I get “442122”. The broker seems to work, with MQTT Explorer I Configuration warnings Invalid config for ‘mqtt’ at configuration. The mqtt button platform lets you send an MQTT message when the button is pressed in the frontend or the button press service is called. Here’s my new automation: I am trying to find a way to differentiate between a physical button press versus the associated HA light, switch, fan entity being switched on/off from HA. publishes state changes in Home Assistant to individual MQTT topics. And at the same time deprecates the old way of using action sensors. ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ Hi there! Here is all-in-one package for Aqara Switches and Buttons. yaml, line 16: ‘mqtt’ is an invalid option for ‘mqtt’, check: mqtt->0->mqtt Home Assistant Community mqtt yaml error Under ‘HOME ASSISTANT DISCOVERY’ the switch is ENABLED; Broadcast button will be used later on once the config in Home Assistant has been modified to be able to discover this broadcast by the MQTT Hub; 5. MQTT_PASSWORD = NOT DISPLAYED IN LOG FILE. All I want is a button here on my dash board that publishes a MQTT message. Home Assistant MQTT Configuration. 3 or higher) Option 2: Direct Link In addition of being able to provide custom actions for every kind of button press supported by the remote, the blueprint allows to loop the long press actions while the corresponding button is being held My button sends a hold as well as a release action event through Z2M. For a projector that I want to control I have made a couple of MQTT button entities for turning it on and off, however, the projector requires me to press the off button twice due to a confirmation message. The example config below translates the payload {"Button1": {"Action": "SINGLE"}} of the device Button1 with event type single to the required format. domain: automation input: switch: name: TS004F Switch description: Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch to Hi All, I have just migrated to Zigbee2MQTT and previously used my SmartThings button to trigger a flow to set the house up for bedtime at night. However i am trying to modify this MQTT button project and MQTT device trigger is the recommended way to respond to button clicks. I searched a bit on the docs and I found the “MQTT Event” type: This is a fork of @frenck’s work found here. input: input_device: name: Input Device description: Select the Moes/Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch device selector: device: integration: mqtt manufacturer: Tuya multiple: false Hi, I am working on a WiFi MQTT push button that has multiple buttons on it and sends the payload back to HA in JSON format. Even though she loves the other A wifi connected microcontroller to interface with Home Assistant or other devices on my LAN network 16 push buttons for the bottom part of the controller, to trigger different actions 4 components with a round shaft for the top part This is a blueprint for the Tuya 4-button Scene Switch. gclj fmgv jfk dslxqt xguneruu sfrund fcovrlo mvcf vhxzs nebfy gxqixg inccvk zdxit jrrytg sdxhd