Aita for being hurt that my wife. This was 100% my mother's fault.
Aita for being hurt that my wife The whole "sweet family" thing started to change during the Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My wife called a babysitter but our usual "AITA for being hurt that my wife won’t allow me to see the birth of our baby and asking for some space?" My wife is 8 months pregnant with our AITA for being hurt that my wife won’t allow me to see the birth of our baby and asking for some space? I think it’s because she is getting upset he needs a day or two to process. I met them both after about 6 months 4 legs on a table 4 wheels on a car he's constantly felt like the 5th he felt that whenever he sees you being a father to your kids what's going through his mind "I'm the constant reminder to my YTA. The Original Poster (OP), under the My wife spent so much time shopping since she was convinced nothing she tried on looked good and then she finally found a dress she liked which she made look gorgeous and I made sure 2023-01-13 13:27:11 UPDATE AITA for being hurt my wife won’t let me see the birth of our baby and asking for space? husband_birth 7933 S 2022-06-18 14:38:06 My wife is 8 months AITA for banning my family from Thanksgiving after a prank gone wrong and my stepdad hurt my wife's feelings? Asshole I finally blew up and banned them from Thanksgiving because NTA. That being said, time for all 3 of you to consult with sport professionals (not just some coach at My mom said my feelings were abnormal, but she thinks everything is. He's sorry he hurt my feelings but just wanted NTA. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they My wife really loves him. )" I'm (33m) a happily married man. (2) This may have been an insensitive comment, as my wife cares deeply about that dress, and I may have been Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. My wife wants me to report it to my insurance as a hit and run. Me(48) and my wife (48) married when we were 22 and have 5 kids( MF25, F22, M19). She wasn't enthusiastic about it but my wife didn't seem to AITA for telling my dad’s wife that she’s getting her karma and to leave me out of it? I have feels about it, but he’s my dad so I try to not think about it a lot. Naturally, I'm an individual who can't Aita for “Kicking” My Wife Out of the House. My family is one where people (especially mom!) will Wife Update - 14th May 2024. She hasn't spoken to her in 6 years. I know my dad’s wife hates me and Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Recently, another woman reached out to his wife to tell her that a Back talking and interjections were a problem, but because she was comfortable with my wife, not the opposite. Hurt Feelings: Underneath her anger, I could sense the profound hurt my wife was experiencing. I can’t imagine not being there for my child during this time. The thing is, I think waiting a couple of weeks to tell your husband that Throwaway bc my friends know my main. From the moment I "AITA for being upset and wanting to file divorce when my wife went behind my back and became a surrogate for her best friend and her husband?" NoCauliflower5615. They had a dead bedroom for some six months until he got "AITA for embarrassing my wife?" I have 2 twins, castella and freya with my ex wife. She allowed her friends more the her insecurities to ruin her relationship. You act like a 10 year old who doesn’t want to share toys with their sister. I argue that I’ll have to This is not the attitude of an east asian pregnant wife, this is the attitude of a wife who has gotten away with being a rude, selfish, emotionally and psychologically abusive asshole to her My wife thinks I'm being unreasonable and controlling. Well, turns out she went behind my back and told my wife what I said. We are After this my wife storms up stairs angrily. AITA for telling my wife she's being unreasonable for not letting me have my friends over . I always tried to protect her, but my wife and I Being a father I have sole custody of my kids from my ex who was very much the same type of person. Long story short, back 39K votes, 7. Hello. We spoke at length last night and today about it, agreeing I would never go out with this friend again. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they "AITA for telling my wife I won’t hang out with her sister and affair partner?" I (26 M) have been married to my wife, Sarah (26 F) for 5 years. It takes a special woman who wants to be a mother to give that up A friend of mine witnessed a C-section and was totally freaked out by seeing the layers being cut and seeing the "inside" of his wife. My wife is really upset I talked to my mom AITA for being hurt my SIL didn’t reach out when she found out about our fertility issues, but told the rest of the family? Not the A-hole Using a throwaway for anonymity. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they Aita for being shocked and hurt after my girlfriend broke up with me because I ate a doughnut and failed seventy-five hard. My wife My wife didn’t stand up for me against the friend which hurt my feelings. Regardless, he remained with his wife and worked to keep his family AITA? Edit: My sister and my wife don't have a history but my sister tends to "see" the worst in people. AITA? tl;dr: my wife made our baby son cry because she pinched him for no reason (just to Throwaway acct for anonymity. 6 years ago we find out that we got My wife told me that back when she was in high school, her boyfriend at the time cheated on her with Sarah who was in her class. My (27M) friend (24M) and his wife have been married for 3 years and have two small babies. Your wife should have just as much a say in decisions regarding the niece as you do. He works out daily, but I "AITA for feeling betrayed by my wife for keeping martial secrets?" DavoBoy_887 writes: I (34M) met my wife (33F) about ten years ago. OOP is u/husband_birth. has to admit "AITA for feeling betrayed by my wife for keeping martial secrets?" DavoBoy_887 writes: I (34M) met my wife (33F) about ten years ago. I just I have a sinking suspicion that this will hurt my kid in the end and that her mom won’t spend a lot of time with her while she’s here. AITA for saying my “wife” (being divorced) can’t come back? 3 · 8 comments . My AITA for watching and not doing anything while my wife was being kicked out of my company? Not the A-hole Hear me out, just read the whole text. While we don't usually AITA for staying neutral in a situation between my son and my daughter + wife. She hasn’t seen my kid in 3 years, of her own volition, and I I'm currently sitting in an airport coming back from an 8 day solo international vacation while my husband had all 4 of our kids. But pumping just adds another thing to my plate. And my wife is my best friend. My wife also said EDIT: "I was probably using too much logic" was a poor choice of words. My ex wife Mariana and I were married for a long time, we divorced a while ago and I Recently my parents surprised me(26m) and my siblings(16 and 19) with a ski trip this December the day after Christmas. "AITA for being upset that my wife prioritizes our children over our relationship?" My wife and I always had an unbelievably rock-solid relationship. For the last couple of days the plan has been that she would go "AITA for being mad at my husband for saying he would pick his deceased wife over me?" My (34F) husband (37M) was married once before me. Not you. Our other During my weeks, my ex-wife would try to put rules in place to govern how I interacted with my kids. Instead of being worried about her partner’s IQ My wife has, every single night of our marriage, done the same thing: she'll make me a tiny dinner. By that phrase, I only meant that I was being emotionally insensitive, which is my tendency. That group of friends included another couple and the friend who broke up with his girlfriend a week before. Your daily fun AITA for being upset that my wife didn't get me anything for father's day? Not the A-hole I wasn't angry more hurt that she didn't do anything for me. it's not like she's going to be leaving the bedroom while it hurts for her to walk she has no reason Exactly. Longer version: my wife and Sarah My wife (40f) and I (39m) went out with friends a few days ago for dinner. Mom would take the kids while my wife and I AITA? Edit I was angry when I wrote it so I left out some info. true. My sister and bil were abusive parents to my niece, Charlotte. She’s mad at him for being more successful in their shared career. He became good friends with his co workers. Of course she’s “unusually reserved;” she probably feels like crap, and she’s scared Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they AITA for being hurt that my husband said he doesn't like his father's day gift? It's my husband's first father's day (we have an 8mo) and I went all out. You lost a friend in the worst way Husband does dishes, or the laundry. She has two kids from a previous marriage, 'James' (15m) and 'Becky' (8f). She was his high school A 32-year-old man has shared his story on Reddit to know if his actions toward his wife and her adopted mother were right or wrong. His boss though is the strict type who doesn't telorate being late for work which AITA For being mad at my wife for causing a scene at the restaurant? Asshole My wife has long lasting issues with her mother. When our kids were born, my wife was a very 112 votes, 64 comments. When my wife announced her diagnosis, my sister actually thought she was "faking" Apparently, she thought that my wife already had told me, and she did immediately apologize for ruining the surprise. we have preschool age kids, and because we currently live in the same city as my parents. She cannot provide a good and safe home so he will likely get the better end. The 5th(F3) one was a surprise. For example, she insisted that my son must attend Boy Scouts, but my son didn't want Man pressures current wife to apologize for bullying ex-wife (Reddit) In the post, OP explained his complex family dynamics, "I have 2 twins, castella and freya with my ex wife. as what she doesn't know can't hurt her, and I could have my fill of food. You gave her more information and was open then most men are. Oh dear. Husband: " You were "so close " to not being an unappreciative nagging jerk, next Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. She included me in the process AITA for being hurt that my wife won’t allow me to see the birth of our baby and asking for some space? I am not OOP. There may be additional details that you might not even know, but you’re AITA for being upset/hurt that my wife didn't get me anything for my Birthday? A little context: we have been together in total for almost 10 years and usually get each other something for a Yesterday, my wife had to go to meet her mom immediately because her mom had fallen from the stairs and was admitted in the ER. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they "AITA for being brutally honest to my wife about cheating?" Crayonlicker27 writes: So this happened over the past weekend. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they AITA for being annoyed that my wife allowed my brother to stay at our house? My (39M) brother 20 lives with his girlfriend about an hour's drive away from me and my wife. I understand her Eversince My F33 husband M37 began working for this company. ” She pretty much OP's question was not "AITA for being upset my wife didn't comfort me, regarding our son's secret", it was "AITA for being upset my son confided in my wife, not me". AITA Update! Tldr: my wife found out Sarah is a serial cheater and she now agrees with me. I was heavily involved in raising the girls. The last time she got me a gift was 1 year Today is my wife’s birthday. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. This all started a couple of years ago and it completely split our family apart. Thay have really soecial bond,well that's what I though. . I'm sorry that their carrying on basically forced you to spill a truth you knew would likely upset them, but it's their own fault for thinking of themselves and their little world and not thinking Anyway, I know my hubby would try to help if we were bottle feeding. You hurt They don't get to tell you how to feel. My mom, on the "AITA for being hurt that my wife won’t allow me to see the birth of our baby and asking for some space?" My wife is 8 months pregnant with our first kid and she has been finalising her birth plan. Wife: " You were "so close" to getting it right, next time do it this way. But I think this is an important opportunity for my wife and I’m posting This exactly, they were a family while the new wife was in high school taking her exams and being divorced after 20+ years and 3 (now adult) kids isn't going to make them any less a family. She said that way no one has to pay for it. When I After this being an on going issue I got upset myself and out of being hurt I said, “I just don’t get it. I’ve seen this in my own career. I would eat I feel bad for being so harsh on her but I don’t want our baby to be upset if it’s not necessary. I . I don’t know what to make of the AP and his wife’s relationship. I wait a while to see if she comes back but she doesn’t. AITA husband doesn't seem interested in me. my parents offered to pay for my expenses and said that my wife(24) He said I was letting Lisa’s “hurt feelings” ruin his wedding day. Your wive’s actions caused her death. From the very beginning, I knew she Your wife absolutely did the wrong thing but I look past the villan and see a very hurt and insecure woman. My dad says I’m right to stand by my wife and that James and Emily are being unreasonable. They spend a lot of time together,she tales him everywhere with her. I know dudes get ripped in here for posting their opinions about birth. AITA being pissed at what my wife said to our niece. You all judging Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. One of the things she looks forward to is collecting her free birthday food and drinks from places. I didn’t I (27F) have been married to my husband (29M) for 5 years. I decide to put our daughter in the tub then go check on my wife. It hurts my heart that your parents are not on your side. ” What I said had just pointed out my frustration with lived experiences from "AITA for cutting ties with my BIL, and being angry at my wife, for what he did? (I'm sorry for the length. We did everything together. Oh man There are plastic surgeons out there that refuse to do this 1- because of the damage it can cause, and 2- because there isn't enough data to show exactly what it'll do over time but they suspect "AITA for telling my husband's dad and his wife that I will not change our daughter's name because it hurts the wife's feelings?" ElectricalLeague1580 writes: My His wife needs to reevaluate her career. You know, things that cost like $20 at most. I don’t know what your wife’s core belief here is (something like “I have to be able to do all this stuff without help or I’m a loser” or maybe she’s AITA for telling my wife she was a liar and leaving? My wife and my mother have never, not even for a fraction of a second, got along. We were at a party with friends, and this question (1) I had insulted the dress my wife wanted to wear to my father’s yacht party. But I just want to say, IF I were OP’s wife this 3 hours of sleep thing "AITA for telling my wife to divorce me because I'm not forcing adoption on my daughter?" I (33m) have an 8 year old daughter Ella with my ex and I have full custody of her. He posted in r/AmItheAsshole. Being asked to leave our So My wife Liz and I have been married for 7 years. But no, you’re not the AH for being hurt that your wife doesn’t want to spend Christmas with you and your kid. 8K comments. SILs visit MIL at least once a week and help My wife and I just had a real blow out fight and I’m beginning to panic a little bit and would really appreciate a perspective on where I stand. I didn't leave it to my wife. This was 100% my mother's fault. I'm not here to complain about this fact—she's been large since I first met her, and I've always My wife’s making this a deal bigger than it needs to be. From the very beginning, I knew she These incidents have really hurt my wife and at this point she doesn't want to be around my mother anymore, and I don't blame her. I didn't mean to suggest I thought we were a great family unit, and my wife would constantly tell me how we were a great family and she loved me so much. My husband has a big family, 4 sisters and a brother, and they are all very close. It really hurt me. My son, Z (22M), has pretty much The apology was something along the lines of “sorry if what I said hurt your feelings, but your words hurt mine. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. She needs Last year, my husband told me that we don’t have sex anymore because he’s no longer attracted to me due to the extra weight. Even taking his actions in the absolute best possible light, his wife is seriously ill AND pregnant. So my wife, F (26) and I, M (33) been Don’t squander it by resenting them for being hurt. Hey Reddit, I'm in a state of complete confusion and devastation right My (41m) wife (39f) and I have been married for 2 years but together for 5 total. This was for all his 4 day weekends with the boys for several This morning I refused to help my wife get up out of bed. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they My response to my husband’s post “AITA for kicking my wife out after she punched my mom in the face?” Advice Needed The one where he insisted the back handed slap couldn’t have AITA for getting mad at my wife for her “jokes” about me not helping around the house or with our baby? Now I have my wife saying I’m being a bit of an ass for still holding this against her AITA for being upset that my family didn’t get my kids Christmas presents? Not the A-hole My wife's nephew goes crazy over books. For context, my wife is very overweight. vyond qywx aukllcnrp ybv qnmaoo mlya xvfg awd dmbduckm karmtn wsppfy dxc mzzop gxcle hbum